Sunday, March 4, 2012

"In Christ Alone"

I love to pull up youtube and just worship before my prayer time!  It gets me in the mood to just praise the name of Jesus and to not only be thankful for my many blessings but it helps me to understand any struggles that I many have.  When I think of my Jesus on the cross for little o' eyes fill with tears and I remember that I am here on earth for a reason!  I'm here to be a light for tell all nations near and far about the love that was nailed to the cross.  When I think of the makes all my worries go makes me feel like any complaints that I have are nothing to complain about at all.  When I worship before I puts everything in to perspective! 
Through worship...I am reminded of the one that has my days numbered...I am reminded of who hold the future...I am reminded of who I am living for and who has called on me to live only to share His good news. 

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