Monday, April 30, 2012

Empty Syndrome

Times they are a changing.
It seems like everywhere I look, I am seeing new seasons of life.  My sweet baby sister is getting married this Friday and I am getting to watch her grow in to her role as a wife.  At the same time I am watching my parents become empty-nesters...for real this time.  LOL.  In my own home, I am watching my 6 year old son and 4 year old daughter grow independent...a little too independent.  I am watching my sweet babies that loved to be rocked to want to tuck themselves in to bed.  It is exciting and sad all at the same time.  All of that makes for an emotional momma.  I was born that way...emotional.  I always feel sorry for the bad guy and the lady in distress.  I always make a frowny face when I see roadkill. I cry when I am happy and I cry when I am sad.  I keep Kleenex in business.

Even though I am emotional...I am very content.  I love my life and where we are as a family.  I love enjoying each moment that we have been promised and living for that moment.  I am so thankful to get to see my babies turning in to little grown ups.  I can almost see a hint of our future with Mason and his caring nature and Annie with her love for singing.  If I planned just right, I am sure that I could mold our family in to a traveling show before my children realize they have a say-so to not want to participate.  Nah, that's too much work.

I have been reflecting, sometimes with my frowny face on, that I have an empty lap since my kids are "too big" to sit in my lap.  And empty arms since I no longer have a tiny baby to hold and to just stare at for hours if I feel like it.  Then I see my mom as she mentions being an empty-nester after Friday.  Do you see the pattern?  Many seasons of a mom's life is preparing for a new season...preparing for something that filled your time to become time doing other things. With my kids being "bigger" and since I have experienced a hysterectomy and can't physically have anymore children...I find myself having a bad case of baby fever. Some of my friends that are expecting may start to hide when they see me coming for fear that I am stalking them to get to hold their new baby!  Don't you just love the smell of a new baby?  They really should make that in to an air freshener for emotional moms like me.  I have been praying lately about this.  "God, are you calling me to adopt?" Why am I feeling the desire to have another baby in our family?  It's weird.  At some times I feel that I could adopt the world and then other times I feel that I just need to sign-up to rock babies on Sunday mornings at church and "be-gon-ya" with my baby fever ailment.  I am happy where we are.  Our little family of 4.  Although, I do feel if God opened doors for Matt and I to go on a mission trip even remotely close to an orphanage...I do fear that we would come home with a few extra children. And that kind of scares me.  But I also, THANKFULLY, feel that God is Ecclesiastes 3...there is a season for everything. And, you my dear, are right where I want you to be.  So enjoy it.

This is Ecclesiastes 3 from The Message...
1 There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:

2-8 A right time for birth and another for death,
A right time to plant and another to reap,
A right time to kill and another to heal,
A right time to destroy and another to construct,
A right time to cry and another to laugh,
A right time to lament and another to cheer,
A right time to make love and another to abstain,
A right time to embrace and another to part,
A right time to search and another to count your losses,
A right time to hold on and another to let go,
A right time to rip out and another to mend,
A right time to shut up and another to speak up,
A right time to love and another to hate,
A right time to wage war and another to make peace.

9-13 But in the end, does it really make a difference what anyone does? I've had a good look at what God has given us to do—busywork, mostly. True, God made everything beautiful in itself and in its time—but he's left us in the dark, so we can never know what God is up to, whether he's coming or going. I've decided that there's nothing better to do than go ahead and have a good time and get the most we can out of life. That's it—eat, drink, and make the most of your job. It's God's gift.
14 I've also concluded that whatever God does, that's the way it's going to be, always. No addition, no subtraction. God's done it and that's it. That's so we'll quit asking questions and simply worship in holy fear.
15 Whatever was, is.
Whatever will be, is.
That's how it always is with God. 

I highlighted my favorite parts!  Busy work?  Am I really called to be "busy" being a wife and mom? Just in re-reading that I feel a rush of overwhelming praise of thanksgiving!  Have a good time and get the most out of life?  Ok, I hear ya, God...I can handle this!  Oh, and...quit asking questions and simply worship in HOLY FEAR?  Yes!  That is what my life is about!  I give my family my all...and I love it...and we stay SO busy!  I enjoy it and I do consider it a investment in to my legacy.  And with all of cup runeth over...and that is what leads to my crying fits of happiness and worship for times that have passed (no more babies at our house) and for current times (watching Independence grow in confidence) and for the future (wedding days and grandbabies).  I remember God my prayers as a young girl.  I remember praying almost every single night "God, please have someone super special for me that loves you more than he will ever love me...and I just pray God, that you will trust me matter what mistakes I have me to raise some of YOUR children.  I promise I won't let you down and I will raise my children to fear You, oh Lord and I your name will be so strong on their tongue that they will not even want to think of anything but worshiping your name!" I am...with THE most wonderful husband and children that listen to me pray and ask me to pray with eyes so big in excitement that I can't help but to step up my game every single day to know God's word better and to trust Him even more each and everyday.  God provided!  In such a big way!  I can't help but to hold up my end of the deal by preaching the name of the Lord day in and day out...from sun up to sun down.  Oh, this does not mean I chase my kids around with an open Bible.  I simply "stay busy" having a good time worshiping in everything we do.  Everything from goofing off to delivering punishment.

So, if you find yourself anxious to know what God is up will find out soon enough.  Enjoy the moment and where you know you are.  Each day is unknown to us and there may come a time where we "wish" for yesterdays.  But don't waste away a day wishing when you already have plenty to enjoy!

Monday, April 16, 2012

If their momma could do it...then so can I

I really had no intentions of making this blog all about homeschooling...but it is what is heavy on my heart these days.  As I pray for the future and dream with the end in site...I wonder how my children will turn out because of my "calling" and desire to home-school.  I worry a bit.  Then I rejoice a little bit.  I do feel that being a home-schooling mom (and family) is a calling from God.  I have never had the desire to home-school my children...that is before my children were born.  But now that God has granted my heart's desire to be a mom...He is changing my desires to provide a strong Biblical foundation for my children.  So here I am...wondering what God has in store for me as a wife, mom & child of God.  And wondering what our family will be like in 15 years when Mason is 21 and Annie is 19...they will be at the beautiful ages of making their own choices and starting the life of serving God as their own person...they will be starting their legacy story.  I sometimes wish that God would let me fast-forward to take a sneak peak and then rewind back to today to enjoy the "now".

With all of these got me curious.  Who else was a home-schooled kid?  You know, the ones that go on to do great and wonderful things for their communities and beyond.  Well, here a few that I think are pretty impressive! And if you are like me, I did not know that many of them were homeschoolers!

Claude Monet...artist
Leonardo Da Vinci...artist
Ansel Adams...photographer
Venus & Serena stars
Tim (duh)
Louisa May (Little Women)
Helen Keller...death and blind author and lecturer
C.S. (and apologist)
Mary (Frankenstien)
Phillis Wheatly...african-american poet
Timothy Dwight...President of Yale University
Fred Terman...President of Stanford University
John Witherspoon...President of Princeton University
Louis Armstrong...king of jazz music
BarlowGirls...Christian singers
Chris Brown...r&b singer
Hilary Duff...singer/actress
Dakota Fanning...actress
Whoopi Goldberg...actress
Hanson...teen pop singers
Katherine Hepburn...actress
Jennifer Love Hewit...singer/actress
The Jonas Brothers...actors/singers
LeAnne Rimes...singer
Jordin Sparks...singer
Ray Kroc...founder of McDonald's
Colonial Harland Sanders...founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken
Dave Thomas...founder of Wendy's
Albert Einstein...physicist
John of the founding fathers
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Alexander Graham Bell...invented the telephone
Peter Cooper...built the first modern skyscraper AND patented JELL-O
Thomas Edison...invented stock ticker, phonograph and electric light bulb
Elias Howe...invented the sewing machine
Eli Whitney...invented the cotton gin
The Wright Brothers...invented the first successful airplane
Clara Barton...started The Red Cross
Elizabeth Blackwell...first US woman to receive a medical degree
John Newton...wrote hymns...Amazing Grace being one of them
Winston Churchill
Davy Crocket
Franklin D Roosevelt...32nd president
Theodore Roosevelt...26th president
Amelia Earhart
Annie Oakley
Will Rogers
Ferdinand designer and engineer
Teresa Scanlan...Miss America 2011

So that is food for thought...each of these individuals have made an impact.  Some better than others.  But what was brought to my attention...each person has a they use it is still a personal choice.  And it doesn't matter if you "make this list" or not...if you have a strong can make a difference!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What was I thinking!?!

Ok!  So as I am sharing that we will be a homeschooling family next school year I am getting a lot of funny looks and "well bless your heart"s.  For those that have the guts...I get "what are you thinking"  followed by a friendly "I'm not kidding, what are you thinking" laugh.  So I thought that I would share just what I am thinking!

1.  Giving my kids the gift of a strong faith based foundation!
My children will not only get an education but they will be learning what God's word has to say to us about living life the way God intended us to.  Parents, remember...those kids running around our houses are just ours for a while and they really do not belong to us anyway...yes we are responsible for them.  I mean, "someone" has to drive them everywhere and sign their permission slips and make sure they don't eat Hershey's kisses for breakfast lunch and dinner.  Our children belong to God!  It is our job to teach them to respect us but they have to answer to God...He is the ultimate authority.

2.  I will get to pray with my kids at school! Can I get an AMEN!
When my kids are struggling with school work or if they get hurt during the day or even having trouble getting along with others...I want to be able to help them turn to God for help.  No...I will not be praying with them every single second of the day.  I have the desire to make their prayer life a second nature...and to teach them that God is the ultimate authority.  You can't depend on anyone of the flesh...not even yourself sometimes.
It makes me so sad that the people (talking about those that are believers) that desire to teach children can not pray with them when they know they need prayer.

3.  I will get to open the door of opportunity for my children to learn by experience!
You can read about stuff until you are blue in the face.  By actually seeing and experiencing things you will remember doing what you learned.  Nuff said!  Who wants to sit behind a desk with their nose in a book all day long and then come home to do it again for homework?  Not me!  This homeschooling momma does not plan on being home very much.  There is so much more to learn outside of our home...

4.  My kids will not have to compete for the teacher's attention.
While helping Mason with his homework I noticed he was struggling a little on a certain problem.  When I asked if his teacher helped him while at school with it he said "she was helping another friend and I did not want to interrupt".  The issue was half "having respect for his teacher and friend" and half "just not wanting to worry with it".  In that moment I was thankful that I took the time to help him...but then I thought of the other children that may not have that support at home and I could just see the snowball affect of low-self esteem and low expectations.  Maybe by me keeping my kids at home...another child will have more attention from their less student for them to worry about.  On a side note...Mason's teachers are wonderful and if they knew that one of their students needed help they would be happy to help.  But they just can't be everywhere all the time...especially with 21 students.

5.  I don't have to get up early if I don't want to!  Praise the Lord!
With Mason having allergy issues we are not always promised a good-night's rest...for him or for his loving parents.  On the days that I knew Mason did not get good rest...I was so sad to send him off to school.  I would be keeping him home at least once a week if not more just for not sleeping well.  So I would pray that God would help him stay focused and not fall asleep in class!

6.  I don't feel like it's the government's responsibility to teach my's mine!
God blessed me with Mason and Annie and therefore I feel that my responsibility is to teach home and at school.  I don't 100% trust the same people that the school district does to help teach my children.  We as sinners all struggle from time to time...when I am dealing with something I am able to talk to my children and ask them to join me in praying for the struggle and I can be open and honest for them to understand why I may not be myself.  That does not happen very often but it is always nice to have an explanation instead of my kids just thinking "mom is acting a little odd today".  If one of their teachers is having a bad day...they are more likely to take it out on their students or fellow teachers and I'm not willing to put my kids in that line fire.  Not to mention that the public school is what "man" thinks is best for our children and has no Biblical reasoning or background.

7.  I think of the future!

8.  Missionaries in the making!
I think of how much we will be able to serve others in the name of the Lord!  Even a simple trip to the grocery store or lunch date can have an impact of getting my children to love others.  A missionary's job is also to love without judging.  I am so excited to teach my kids that God uses every walk of our lives to use for His glory as long as we seek to please Him.  Even when you are in a "bad" season of your walk with the are creating your testimony and faith story everyday and the bad will be just as important as the good...if not even more effective for God's kingdom!  Most non-believers would rather you hear a story of having some "junk" in your life instead of being born in the church and never leaving.  It more of a "God really saved me" story.  If you are follower of are a missionary!  You don't have to go to a different country to be on a mission from God.

9.  I will be blessed!
I can't wait to be there when the light bulb comes on and they get something that was once a struggle.  I am so excited about teaching them!  Not for bragging rights but for the simple fact that I will get to watch them grow.  Even just this year with Mason being in kindergarten I have dropped him off at school and when I picked him up I swanney he grew in to a boy instead of a "little boy".  I remember one day that I really noticed he was different...I could not hold back the tears thinking of how many days I would have like this from now until his senior year.  And it scared me that I could one day not even know my own children because someone else was forming their spirits and molding them to be what they thought was best for them.  So scary!

10.  One big happy family
Ok, so I am not oblivious to the fact that there will be days where I will want to pull my hair out and run down the street screaming to the point of ending up in a padded room...BUT...that is why God enjoys us praying to him to let HIM worry about all of our issues so that we can focus on our desires and goals.  Thank you God for taking our worries and our burdens!  And I am sure that I will be praying a lot for my spirit to not grow weary and for my focus to stay on the end goal and hear "well done good and faithful servant...oh, and what is this?  An extra star by your name for homeschooling".  I am So just kidding about the extra star part but wasn't that funny!  I'm still laughing!
Any sweet, wonderful, loving, hard-working husband travels a good bit with his work.  I have to brag on him a bit because I am just so proud of him and all that he does for his company's reputation and for his own personal reputation.  I prayed for Matt for 3 years and God delivered him perfectly to me in the most perfect timing!  I could not have ordered him better from a catalog!  He's just what I needed and wanted...and he still is to this day.  Anyways...let me get back from dreamland (my husband has that affect on me). Me and the kids will get to travel with him!!!  We will get to enjoy family time while he travels!  And oh the places we will see!  Plus, I am so thankful for a husband that actually wants us to be with him when he travels.  I hear of some husbands that look forward to getting away from their wives and children and it breaks my heart.
I am looking forward to not being home very much with this new adventure and for spending more time making sweet family memories.  It will be so nice to not have to explain to the school why Mason missed a day here and there because we wanted to be together as a family while my husband traveled.

I do think about a lot of other stuff to like meeting other moms that are just as crazy as I am to home school their sweet little blessings.  Or my kids having friends that have a strong faith-based foundation and will be able to hold them accountable as they grow up. And yes, I do go in to panic mode every once in a while and think "OH MY WORD!  WHAT AM I THINKING"?  But then I remember that something this extreme can only be a true calling and so with that being said...I say...Bring it on!  God, I am all yours and I want to do only your will!  Thank you for using me and hiring me for this amazing job of raising children up to glorify your name in all that they do!  Thanks be to God!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I don't know the people in this video but when I went to to search for the Doxology to listen to as a part of my personal worship time...I came across this video and LOVED it!  Enjoy!

A homeschooling mom in the making...

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."  Deuteronomy 6:6-7

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Proverbs 1:7

"Parents, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
Ephesians 6:4

Two years ago I started to pray for the day that Mason (my then 4 year old) would start public school as a kindergartner.  I prayed for his future teachers that they would be fellow Christians and would use their walks of faith to teach my son.  I also prayed that I would be more excited than emotional when his first day of school approached to show Mason that I am his biggest cheerleader!  While I was dedicated to praying for our school experience to start...I was feeling as if I was praying for the wrong thing.  I would often start praying for the school year and then I would end up asking God what my role was in my children's education.  I then started to feel it..."God, are you REALLY telling me that you want ME to home school?  Because, um, God...I really don't want to be responsible for my children's education"!   It was happening...I was being called to be a homeschooling momma....and my husband was being called to be a husband of a homeschooling wife!  AHHH!

It came time to register Mason for school and I was pretending that God was asking me to home school but maybe in the know, after I have had the time to fully research it and find my special place in the homeschooling world.  I went to the school to register...but, I could not even get out of the car!!!  I felt as if God was holding his finger on my chest and saying "Don't you go in there and promise to take the son I gave to you to a school that refuses to speak my name and will teach things that will battle the truth of my existence!"  I went to the school 3 more times to register Mason and I felt this same felling each time!  I prayed about it and knew what I was suppose to do...but I relied on the opinions of my friends and even family to tell me what to do.  I started to feel that maybe I was just being selfish and just wanted to Mason home all to myself!  But the same feeling kept coming up...I needed to home school to provide a strong foundation for Mason and Annie...I was going to be the only one that would know what they needed and could give them the attention that they desired.  So...even with all of these strong feelings...I finally, with tears in my eyes, registered Mason for school.

He has been a part of a public school kindergarten this school year and has done very well...even being in the top percentage of his class!  But...we, as parents have already had to explain cultural things that we had not expected to discuss till later in his little life.  Like...what does "being drunk" mean, mom?  Or...what are drugs?  The list goes on!  We have taken care of these questions as they have come up and each time I have thought "his foundation is not strong enough to have to deal with this stuff".  Around Christmas break...I finally decided...NEXT YEAR...WE WILL BE A HOMESCHOOLING FAMILY!!!  AMEN!  I decided to let Mason finish out his school year and I am spending the time from now till school ends to prepare, pray and plan for our school year at home!  YAY!  What a relief!!!  

I am still completely confused by which curriculum to use and which support group and accountability group to be a part of but I know that God will open the doors all in good timing!  But one thing is for sure...I am confident that I am doing the right thing!

The above Bible verses have made me feel that I am the one that is suppose to teach my children!  God gave my children to ME to raise and by sending them off to school I feel that I would be dumping my precious responsibility off on some other person...another person that could care less about the word of God.  I take my life very seriously...I take my family very seriously...and I feel that God blessed Matt and I with children so that we could raise them up to follow Him and to be fellow sisters and brothers in Christ.

I am very excited about our new adventure!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for us as a family through homeschooling!  I am one excited momma!!!

Luke 6:40 says "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone that is fully trained with become just like their teacher."

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"In Christ Alone"

I love to pull up youtube and just worship before my prayer time!  It gets me in the mood to just praise the name of Jesus and to not only be thankful for my many blessings but it helps me to understand any struggles that I many have.  When I think of my Jesus on the cross for little o' eyes fill with tears and I remember that I am here on earth for a reason!  I'm here to be a light for tell all nations near and far about the love that was nailed to the cross.  When I think of the makes all my worries go makes me feel like any complaints that I have are nothing to complain about at all.  When I worship before I puts everything in to perspective! 
Through worship...I am reminded of the one that has my days numbered...I am reminded of who hold the future...I am reminded of who I am living for and who has called on me to live only to share His good news. 

Here's the idea...

When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a wife and a mom one day.  Well, here I am...married to the most perfect man for me and we have 2 precious children.  After our 1st child was born I had absolutely NO desire to work ever again.  All I wanted to do was to love on our son and to provide for him by offering myself as a cheerleader, counselor, friend, teacher, coach and in any other way I could to make his confidence beam and his foundation strong.  At that same time, I also had the desire to care for our know, to be the president of our "business" by making sure that our home was kept up and dinner was prepared and bills were paid.  So...I put in my 2 week notice and made my family and home my main priority.

Our son, Mason, is now 6 and our daughter, Annie is 4 and I just love every minute of my time with them!  So much so...that I feel called to homeschool next school year!  So stay tuned for that adventure too!

As I pray for my family, I can't help but to think of other moms that may have this same desire.  That thought got me thinking...what if I were to host a blog that included videos of encouraging words for moms!  Mom-it-Forward has been about a year in the making!  I am so excited to share what God lays on my heart to share with other moms or those that are not moms yet but still want to be encouraged!

Mom-it-Forward will be a way for moms to borrow ideas for their many roles as wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend, co-worker, church family, etc.  All of this is to honor and glorify God and to share life together as sisters in Christ.